1 - Would you be happy to introduce yourself to the Italian public telling us who was Nessi as a child and who is Nessi today?
Hello there! My name is Nessi,I’m 29 and I’m a singer/songwriter living in Berlin, Germany. I feel like I haven’t changed much apart from that I’m a little bit taller and maybe a little bit smarter about some things in life. I have always loved and played music and I’m hoping to do so for the rest of my life :) Oh, and I LOVE dogs.
2 - What role plays music in your life?
Music is and has always been therapeutic to me in so many ways. Whether it’s writing down my feelings, no matter if they’re good or bad, listening to songs and reminiscing or going crazy, in the car, when I’m riding my bike, when I get ready in the morning - it’s always there. I’m a big fan of handmade music and I love collecting vinyl records. There’s just something about the needle hitting the record that makes me feel so content.
3 - What you want to particularly express through the lyrics of your songs?
A lot of lyrics are actually taken from real experience, some are just how I felt in a certain moment or situation. I don’t like to give away too much because I want people to listen to a song and maybe find themselves in it.
4 - With “ Shake Shake” you are telling us you followed the flow transported by the energy that was surrounding and inspiring you at the time of that creation. Do you have some anecdotes to tell of that period?
I broke my own boundaries with “Shake Shake”. I used to write a lot of very very sad songs, which I still love doing but with this one I just felt like I needed to let all of that go and just be in the present moment and go for it, no matter if it “fit” to my other songs. The song is there to remind you that life is short and sometimes you just have to go for it, feel good, let loose. I also love the video to the song so much - I invited a bunch of my friends and we just had a great time because everyone was just being true to themselves. No matter where you’re from, what your job is, what your story is: At the end of the day, we’re all in the same boat and we all just want one thing: To be happy. And “Shake Shake” makes me feel that way.
5- Which are your projects for the future?
I’m currently working on some exciting collabs and I’m writing a bunch of new tracks for myself and also for other artists. It’s an exciting time and I can’t wait to release my next single early next year!